Spring 2022
Stanford University
Focused on the design, analysis, and implementation of data structures, this course assumes familiarity with the command-line, designing, testing, and debugging nontrivial programs, among others. It explores some of the most fascinating constructs in data structures.
Welcome to CS166, a course in the design, analysis, and implementation of data structures. We've got an exciting quarter ahead of us - the data structures we'll investigate are some of the most beautiful constructs I've ever come across - and I hope you're able to join us.
CS166 has two prerequisites - CS107 and CS161. From CS107, we'll assume that you're comfortable working from the command-line; designing, testing, and debugging nontrivial programs; manipulating pointers and arrays; using bitwise operators; and reasoning about the memory hierarchy. From CS161, we'll assume you're comfortable designing and analyzing nontrivial algorithms; using O, o, Θ, Ω, and ω notation; solving recurrences; working through standard graph and sequence algorithms; and structuring proofs of correctness.
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Lecture slides and readings available at Schedule and Readings
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Assignments available at Schedule and Readings
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