Winter 2022
Stanford University
This course delves into the architecture of modern data storage and processing systems, including databases, cluster computing, and machine learning systems. It covers database architecture, query optimization, transaction management, and parallel processing. CS 145 and CS 161, or equivalent, are expected as prerequisites.
This course covers the architecture of modern data storage and processing systems, including relational databases, cluster computing systems, streaming and machine learning systems. Topics include database system architecture, storage, query optimization, transaction management, fault recovery, and parallel processing, with a focus on the key design ideas shared across many types of data-intensive systems.
Students should ideally have taken CS 145 and CS 161. If you haven't taken CS 145, the main thing we assume from it is knowledge of basic SQL syntax; you can also read a SQL tutorial to an external site. to learn about this.
No data.
Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition), by Garcia-Molina, Ullman and Widom, covers a lot of the technical material in the course and may be helpful as a study guide. We focus on chapters 13-20. We will also cover the material in lectures, but this book is a good source of additional information.