Text classification

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3 courses cover this concept

CSE 447 and 517 Natural Language Processing

University of Washington

Winter 2022

This course provides a comprehensive overview of Natural Language Processing (NLP), including core components like text classification, machine translation, and syntax analysis. It offers two project types: implementation problem-solving for CSE 447, and reproducing experiments from recent NLP papers for CSE 517.

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CS 124: From Languages to Information

Stanford University

Winter 2023

This course is centered on extracting information from unstructured data in language and social networks using machine learning tools. It covers techniques like sentiment analysis, chatbot development, and social network analysis.

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COS 484: Natural Language Processing

Princeton University

Spring 2023

This course introduces the basics of NLP, including recent deep learning approaches. It covers a wide range of topics, such as language modeling, text classification, machine translation, and question answering.

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