C is a widely used and influential computer programming language that was created in the 1970s. It is commonly used for operating systems, device drivers, and protocol stacks, and can be used on a wide range of computer architectures. C is an imperative procedural language with low-level capabilities and was designed to encourage cross-platform programming.
University of Washington
Autumn 2022
This course develops students' understanding of software functioning at different levels of abstraction. Focus areas include C, assembly, and low-level data representation. It also introduces concepts of operating systems and differences between Java and C. It serves as a starting point for those interested in hardware or high-level abstractions.
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+ 26 more conceptsStanford University
Autumn 2022
This Stanford University course delves into the depths of computer systems and programming. It continues from the introductory sequence, expanding students' programming experience using the C language, exploring machine-level code, computer arithmetic, memory management, and more.
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+ 25 more conceptsUC Berkeley
Fall 2022
This course deepens students' understanding of computer architecture and the translation of high-level programs into machine language. Emphasis is on C and assembly language programming, computer organization, parallelism, CPU design, and warehouse-scale computing. Prerequisites include CS61A and CS61B or equivalent C-based programming experience.
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