

The principle of mutability suggests that physical properties that seem to follow conservation laws can actually undergo processes that violate those laws. John Archibald Wheeler proposed this idea in response to Stephen Hawking's prediction that black holes can evaporate, which goes against the conservation of baryon number.

2 courses cover this concept

CS 10: The Beauty and Joy of Computing

UC Berkeley

Summer 2022

A gentle, thorough introduction to computer science, starting with block-based language Snap! and transitioning to Python. The course covers fundamental programming concepts and encourages application in various fields. Level: Beginner friendly.

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+ 21 more concepts

CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

UC Berkeley

Fall 2022

A course that emphasizes software abstraction, equipping students with the skills to manage program complexity. Students will primarily use Python, with additional exposure to Scheme and SQL.

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+ 32 more concepts