Vectors in C++ store elements contiguously, ensuring low memory usage and efficient data cache utilization. They support random access, allowing elements to be referenced using array indices, unlike linked-lists and sets. While vectors can allocate memory quickly in amortized constant time, erasing or clearing elements doesn't necessarily release the associated memory.
Stanford University
Winter 2023
This course helps transition from coding to problem-solving using computers. The course explores techniques, tools, and models for problem-solving across disciplines using C++. Prior programming experience is assumed.
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+ 33 more conceptsBrown University
Spring 2020
This course delves deep into the foundational principles behind computer systems, ranging from hardware intricacies to the vast global internet. Students gain insights into systems programming, the architecture of computer systems, concurrency, and the dynamics of distributed systems. Notably, the curriculum includes projects that offer hands-on experience, like building library functions, creating a toy OS, and designing a scalable key-value storage service. It's a stepping stone to advanced courses like Distributed Systems, Databases, and Computer Systems Security.
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