Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

Translation lookaside buffer

A translation lookaside buffer (TLB) is a memory cache that stores recent translations of virtual memory to physical memory, reducing the time taken to access user memory. It is typically found in processors that use paged or segmented virtual memory and can be implemented as content-addressable memory (CAM). When a requested address is present in the TLB, it results in a quick match called a TLB hit, but if the address is not in the TLB, a page walk process is initiated to find the physical address.

1 courses cover this concept

CS 61C Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Machine Structures)

UC Berkeley

Fall 2022

This course deepens students' understanding of computer architecture and the translation of high-level programs into machine language. Emphasis is on C and assembly language programming, computer organization, parallelism, CPU design, and warehouse-scale computing. Prerequisites include CS61A and CS61B or equivalent C-based programming experience.

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