Control flow

Control flow

Control flow in computer science refers to the order in which statements or instructions are executed in an imperative program. Control flow statements allow for choices between different paths, while functions and language constructs achieve similar results in non-strict functional languages. At a lower level, control flow instructions in machine or assembly language alter the program counter, often through conditional or unconditional branch instructions.

4 courses cover this concept

CSE 130: Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms

UC San Diego

Winter 2017

UC San Diego's CSE 130 provides an overview of basic concepts and design trade-offs related to programming languages. The course covers a wide range of topics like scope, storage management, exceptions, and concurrency, through practical implementation.

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CICS 110: Foundations of Programming

The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Spring 2023

This course introduces computer programming and problem-solving. Students learn using a modern language, covering variables, data types, branching, functions, classes, and methods. Emphasis is on real-world problem translation, computational understanding, and debugging.

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CS 106A: Programming Methodologies

Stanford University

Spring 2023

This is an introductory course offering step-by-step instruction on key programming concepts with Python, including control flow, decomposition, data science, and more. Students are guided through exercises to learn by doing.

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+ 21 more concepts

CSCI 0300: Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Brown University

Spring 2023

Introductory course covering computer system fundamentals including machine organization, systems programming in C/C++, operating systems concepts, isolation, security, virtualization, concurrency, and distributed systems. Projects involve implementing core OS functionality.

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+ 32 more concepts