Lambda Calculus

Lambda calculus

Lambda calculus is a formal system for expressing computation using function abstraction and application. It can simulate any Turing machine and was introduced by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. The reduction operations in lambda calculus involve constructing lambda terms and performing reductions on them, with the goal of reaching a β-normal form. Universal lambda functions like Iota and Jot eliminate the need for variable names by creating any function behavior through self-application.

3 courses cover this concept

CSE 130: Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms

UC San Diego

Winter 2017

UC San Diego's CSE 130 provides an overview of basic concepts and design trade-offs related to programming languages. The course covers a wide range of topics like scope, storage management, exceptions, and concurrency, through practical implementation.

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CS 242 Programming Languages

Stanford University

Fall 2022

Stanford University's CS 242 teaches the basics of programming language theory, its applications, and future trends. It focuses on the practical and theoretical understanding of programming languages, covering typed lambda calculus, state, monads, and more.

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CSE 505 Programming Languages

University of Washington

Spring 2021

University of Washington's course develops rigorous tools to study the meaning of programs. It aims to improve formalism, proof skills, and precision in programming, while also discussing practical applications. It covers operational semantics, Hoare Logic, compiler correctness, and more.

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