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Carnegie Mellon University
Fall 2020
This is an intensive course on computer graphics, covering a variety of topics such as rendering, animation, and imaging. It requires previous knowledge in vector calculus, linear algebra, and C/C++ programming. Concepts include ray tracing, radiometry, and geometric optics, among others.
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+ 24 more conceptsCarnegie Mellon University
Spring 2022
Similar to Course ID 29, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics. It also demands a strong mathematical and programming background. The topics covered include rasterization, geometric transformations, and Monte Carlo ray tracing.
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+ 22 more conceptsBrown University
Spring 2023
CSCI 2240 is a comprehensive exploration of 3D graphics, diving into rendering, geometry processing, simulation, and optimization. Expect a mathematically intensive approach to topics such as light transport physics, 3D triangle mesh algorithms, and 3D shape optimization. Culminating in an open-ended project, students will be equipped to undertake graphics research and delve into recent research papers.
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